Monday, October 12, 2015

Antelope Canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon - September 30th

Antelope Canyon is near Page Arizona just over the Utah Arizona boarder.  Paige Arizona was a community that was developed while they were building the Glen Canyon Dam.  Paige has continued to be a thriving city.  

Antelope Canyon is on Navajo Reservation property and run by the native americans.  You will pay $8.00 per person to get to be on the reservation land and see the upper and lower Antelope Canyon's and to get to see the upper canyon you will need to pay $40.00 per person for a guided tour and then a tip at the end.  The groups go in 14 people per truck and there are a lot of tour groups going into the canyon.  It is BEAUTIFUL!  And very much worth it, but it is a quick and dirty tour you need to keep moving and there are lots of people.  We had a good tour guide who helped us know the best way to take the pictures the right angles, etc.  So, I think they turned out pretty good!  Also, he said that just one pictures from this canyon went for $6,500. These first two pictures are the entrance and the canyon is 135 feet from top to bottom. We did not go to the lower Antelope Canyon but it costs another $6.00 per person to go through that canyon.  Enjoy the pictures!  


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